HADDEN FOUNDATION - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryThe HADDEN FOUNDATION (1957-1993) was established by JOHN ALEXANDER HADDEN†. The community foundation contributed primarily to local pre-selected organizations which provided health care, social services, child development, and cultural programs. Recipients of Hadden Foundation grants included UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS CASE MEDICAL CENTER and the medical and law schools of CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY. (CWRU), as well as UNITED WAY SERVICES, LAUREL SCHOOL, HAWKEN SCHOOL, the WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, and the BENJAMIN ROSE INSTITUTE. In 1991, with assets of over $1.9 million, the foundation spent $80,500 for 21 grants between $500 and $15,000. In 1993 the Hadden Foundation was dissolved and its assets given to Univ. Hospitals and CWRU. Last Modified: 17 Jul 1997 10:25:27 AM
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