TEMPLUM HOUSE - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryTEMPLUM HOUSE, a nonprofit organization on Cleveland's west side, has provided shelter and community to "women and their children who live with family violence" since Oct. 1978. Sr. Loretta Rafter and Sr. Madeline Shemo of the HUMILITY OF MARY SISTERS opened the shelter to address Cleveland's dearth of safe places for battered WOMEN. Templum House aided 274 women in 1981, 354 in 1982, and 1,994 in 1994. Rafter and Shemo directed the center until 1 June 1983, when Nancy Neylon and Anita Smith took the helm. With funds from block grant monies, a county surcharge on marriage licenses, and private and corporate contributions, Templum has offered counseling, peer support, and education as well as legal advocacy and referrals to other services. It has not charged fees. Cooperating agencies have included the CUYAHOGA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, the West Side Mental Health Center, the CHILD GUIDANCE CENTER OF GREATER CLEVELAND, the FREE MEDICAL CLINIC OF GREATER CLEVELAND, the TRAVELERS AID SOCIETY, the AMERICAN RED CROSS, CLEVELAND CHAPTER, and the CLEVELAND POLICE DEPARTMENT. The shelter has also cooperated with the West Side Catholic Center. In 1994 its 24-hour telephone hotline fielded 17,754 calls. In 1995 its children's program received an award from the "Two Days in May" conference. It also launched a batterer's intervention service. Diana Cyganovich was executive director in 1995. Last Modified: 22 Jul 1997 03:04:35 PM
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