MEYETTE, GRACE E. (ca. 1890-9 Apr. 1967) was born in Vermont to Joseph and Katherine Daly and came to Cleveland in 1927 as industrial secretary of the YWCA. She was educated at the London School of Economics, Columbia University, and the New York School of Social Work. Previously working for the Philadelphia YWCA, Meyette was fired from her post in 1931, having allegedly tried to exert too much authority in other departments. The CONSUMERS LEAGUE OF OHIO objected to her dismissal, and Meyette remained active in the league for many years. She served on Mayor Thos. A. Burke's race relations committee and in 1931 was named local executive secretary to the Natl. Women's Trade Union League. Dedicated to defending the rights of women in industry, Meyette was appointed inspector for fair wages in the Cleveland district under the Natl. Recovery Act in 1934. She was fired from this post in 1935 in a move criticized by the press as a political maneuver by Gov. Martin L. Davey. In 1935, Meyette was chosen executive secretary of the LEAGUE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, a Cleveland group founded to combat the influence of Nazism in America and expose Nazi propaganda, serving until the league's dissolution in the 1940s. Meyette died in CLEVELAND HEIGHTS after a long illness.
Last Modified: 21 Jul 1997 10:40:16 AM- Related Article(s)