HARRY K. AND EMMA ROSENFELD FOX CHARITABLE FOUNDATION - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryThe HARRY K. AND EMMA ROSENFELD FOX CHARITABLE FOUNDATION was founded in 1959 by Emma Fox from her family inheritance. She and her husband owned the Grabler Mfg. Co. Grants, given primarily in northeast Ohio, support hospitals, education, cultural programs, youth agencies, and human services. CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY., the JEWISH COMMUNITY FEDERATION, the INTERCHURCH COUNCIL OF GREATER CLEVELAND, GUIDANCE CENTERS, the Hunger Center, as well as programs for inner-city youth, have received major Fox grants. The foundation also supports smaller projects and fledgling organizations which attack social problems or which promote the arts. No grants are given to individuals or for loans. In 1993 the foundation held assets of over $5.7 million, and disbursed approx. $338,000 in 83 grants in the average range of $400-$19,000. In 1995 Marjorie S. Schweid served as chair of the trustees, which included George Rosenfeld and National City Bank. Harold E. Friedman served as foundation secretary. Last Modified: 17 Jul 1997 01:57:24 PM
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