HOPE HOUSE - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryHOPE HOUSE, founded in 1972 and opened in Nov. 1973, was the first rehabilitation home in Cleveland for alcoholic WOMEN. Hope House, Inc., was formed by Sister Nancy Jean Tomcyak in response to studies by the METROPOLITAN HEALTH PLANNING CORP. and the FEDERATION FOR COMMUNITY PLANNING which demonstrated the need for a local intermediate-care facility for women alcoholics (although such facilities existed for men). The UNITED LABOR AGENCY (ULA) purchased a house in 1973 at 7910 Lake Ave. and turned it over to Hope House, Inc. The home was run by the sisters of the Order of the Holy Family of Nazareth under a $30,000 CLEVELAND FOUNDATION grant, with Sister Tomcyak as executive director. With the help of organized LABOR, the house was renovated to accommodate 12. Hope House received women after they had undergone detoxification, as well as women recovering from drug addiction. The program aimed to help women in recovery return to normal life and find employment. During their stay (minimum 8 weeks), many women worked at the Hope House Natural Bakery Store, opened in 1975. Grants from local foundations sustained the facility. In Dec. 1978, with a small budget and staff, the ULA turned over Hope House to an elderly self-help program. Last Modified: 18 Jul 1997 03:24:38 PM
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