GAYLORD, GLADYS (28 July 1888-1 Jan. 1985), social worker, promoted FAMILY PLANNING in Ohio and Puerto Rico as the first Executive Secretary (1929-48) of the Maternal Health Association (MHA, see PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF GREATER CLEVELAND), Cleveland's pioneer birth control clinic. She spoke at national conferences, such as a New York City roundtable sponsored by the American Eugenics Society and the American Birth Control League (1938), and published articles in such journals as The Journal of Contraception (1938). Gaylord was born in Detroit, MI, to Annie Gere Gaylord and Frank Bourne Gaylord. (Her father joined the administrative staff of Cleveland's Lakeside Hospital in 1920). After graduating from the School of Social Work of Simmons College (1914), Gaylord held various positions in New England before coming to Cleveland. She managed the MHA clinic and promoted its activities locally and around the state and nation. The BRUSH FOUNDATION contributed substantially to her salary and later paid her pension. In 1934 and again in 1935 she traveled to Puerto Rico to help set up contraceptive clinics there. Gaylord helped organize the Maternal Association of Ohio (1933) and served as field secretary for the state group, which was based in Cleveland.
A Presbyterian and a Democrat, Gaylord lived in Cleveland until she retired and moved to Maine. She belonged to the CONSUMERS LEAGUE OF OHIO and the AMERICAN RED CROSS, CLEVELAND CHAPTER. She did not marry.
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