AMERICKE DELNICKE LISTY - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryAMERICKE DELNICKE LISTY (American Labor News), once the only Czech-language socialist weekly in the country, evolved in 1908 out of a mimeographed weekly founded by Karel Pintner. Located in Cleveland's Czech neighborhood on "Old Broadway," it was edited early in its career by JOSEPH MARTINEK† and subsequently by Vaclav H. Matousek. In 1928 it began printing 1 page in English, which later was edited by FRANK BARDOUN†. As a Social Democratic publication, Americke Delnicke Listy espoused such political measures in the 1930s as social security, unemployment insurance, and old-age pensions. It advocated an independent Czechoslovakian republic in both world wars, and prior to World War II was the first American newspaper barred from Czechoslovakia by the Germans. In its own Czech-American community, it lent its support to such causes as the WORKERS GYMNASTIC UNION, workingmen's cooperative societies, Czech fraternal organizations, and freethinkers' schools. Although it survived to celebrate its 40th anniversary, Americke Delnicke Listy ceased publication in the early 1950s. Last Modified: 10 Jul 1997 11:44:24 AM
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