TURNBULL, RUPERT B. JR. - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryTURNBULL, RUPERT B.
JR. (3 Oct. 1913-18 Feb. 1981), surgeon,
was born in Pasadena, Calif. to Irene Archibald and Judge Rupert Turnbull. He
received his undergraduate degree from Claremont College (1936), his medical
degree from McGill University, Canada (1941), served at hospitals in San
Francisco and the Panama Canal Zone, and was a field surgeon with the 1st
Marine Div. in the Pacific. He came to Cleveland to complete his surgical
training at CLEVELAND
CLINIC FOUNDATION, and developed a surgical technique to make a stomach
opening for the intestines (ileostomy/colostomy).
Turnbull became the world's authority on ulcerative colitis and the surgeon to
recognize the importance of postsurgical therapy for colostomy and ileostomy patients. As the "father of enterostomal therapy," Turnbull along with Norman Gill
founded the world's first school of enterostomal
therapy and the Internatl. Assoc.
of Enterostomal Therapists. Turnbull published
over 185 scientific articles, and along with Frank L. Weakey
wrote the standard Atlas of Intestinal Stomas. He served on the
editorial boards of various publications, including Disease of the Colon and
Rectum. In 1976, the Rupert B. Turnbull Surgical Society was formed by former
residents and fellows who had trained under him. Turnbull was head of the Dept.
of Colon & Rectal Surgery at Cleveland Clinic until 1976, when he became
senior surgeon. In 1978 he left Cleveland to take a position at Santa Barbara
Medical Foundation in California. He was an active member of Christ Episcopal
Church. Rupert married Dougal Isabel Fisher in 1938.
The Turnbulls had 2 sons, Robert and John, and a
daughter, Dae. Turnbull died while vacationing in
Honolulu. 3-PR10 - Turnbull, Rupert B. Jr., MD., Cleveland Clinic Archives. Cleveland Medical
Society Bulletin (1976).
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