CLEVELAND COALITION OF LABOR UNION WOMEN (CLUW) - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryThe CLEVELAND COALITION OF LABOR UNION WOMEN (CLUW), chartered 22 Sept. 1974, is not a union but rather a chapter of a national organization of WOMEN and men unionists which advocates for women workers within the framework of affiliated unions. It is considered to be one of the national organization's most active chapters. The national organization was founded in Chicago in Mar. 1974. The Ohio CLUW has 4 local chapters, located in the Warren-Trumble-Youngstown area, Columbus, Toledo, and Cleveland. Without an office, in the 1980s the local CLUW performed most of its work out of officers' homes and held monthly meetings at an affiliated union hall. Financed through fundraisers and membership dues, the local organization has helped raise money for various strikes and has sponsored conferences on topics such as organizing the unorganized, occupational hazards, and sexual harassment. Last Modified: 14 Jul 1997 09:47:02 AM
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