CANCER CENTER, INC., OF NORTHEAST OHIO - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryThe CANCER CENTER, INC., OF NORTHEAST OHIO promoted medical and scientific research and education about cancer and reviewed requests for new facilities and services in northeastern Ohio contributing to city and regional health planning. Mandated by the Natl. Cancer Act (1971, 1974), a 1974 federal planning grant designated a regional "specialized cancer center." Incorporated on 6 Mar 1973 and formally opened on 16 July 1975, the center was an independent consortium between the CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY. School of Medicine and the CLEVELAND CLINIC FOUNDATION; in 1977 the consortium added a third member, the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine (Rootstown, OH). WM. C. TREUHAFT† served as president of the Board of Trustees (1973-79). The center proposed to advise and cooperate with other institutions of learning to: advance and aid the study of the causes, prevention, relief, and cure of cancer; promote and provide techniques, treatment, and skills relating to care of cancer patients; engage in research. Located at 11000 Cedar Ave., the center catalyzed a regional effort around the disease. It had no beds and provided no care. The center received support from sources such as the CLEVELAND FOUNDATION and the Ohio Dept. of Health, in addition to federal monies. Community-oriented programs included at-home rehabilitation; a data registry; an information clearinghouse, staffed by JUNIOR LEAGUE OF CLEVELAND, INC. volunteers; a newspaper column, "Cancer Answers," edited by Paul G. Dyment; and area hospice planning. The Cancer Center, Inc., was legally dissolved on 21 June 1979. Last Modified: 10 Jul 1997 02:40:15 PM
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