BRUSH AND PALETTE CLUB - The Encyclopedia of Cleveland HistoryThe BRUSH AND PALETTE CLUB was one of the many small art groups founded in the late 19th century to support local artists and provide them an opportunity to discuss art with their colleagues and to display their work annually. Concerned specifically with painters, as the name implies, it was founded in 1893 by members of the city hall art colony, also known as the Old Bohemians or the ART CLUB. The first president of the Brush & Palette Club was ARCHIBALD M. WILLARD†, and the first exhibition of its members' works was held in May 1894. Among the more prominent of the club's contributors were FREDERIC C. GOTTWALD†, ORLANDO V. SCHUBERT†, Chas. Francis Deklyn, JOHN SEMON†, and Adam Lehr. As was the case with many peripheral art groups, there is no record of an official disbandment of the Brush & Palette Club. Whether it merged with another group or simply dissolved, by 1912 it was no longer in existence. Last Modified: 10 Jul 1997 01:48:50 PM
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